Hawkes Bay Edition

Vol. 286-2  January 13, 2025

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Everybody's Talking

Canadian rails: The Via Rail journey from Toronto, Ontario, to Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), spans 4,466 kilometres, inviting travellers to explore Canada's stunning landscapes. Known as The Canadian, this train sweeps through forests, lakes, and iconic sights like Mt. Robson and the Rockies. Passengers who choose first class enjoy staterooms with en suite bathrooms, spacious windows, and a private lounge. The Skyline car has an observation deck for soaking in the views. This train also serves as a commuter line across vast provinces, showcasing the country's immense scale. There's no rush here, only the luxury of time, and endless scenery rolling past the window.

Memory marvel: An Indian man set a remarkable world record by recalling 14,000 digits of Euler's number, a challenging irrational number, in less than an hour. Deepu V, known for his incredible memory, had already memorized vast sequences of pi and numerous phone numbers. Determined to surpass the previous mark, he developed a detailed tabular method, organizing digits into rows and columns for precise recall. After months of practice, he confidently recited each number while blindfolded, smashing the previous record of 10,122 digits. His disciplined approach earned him a place in the Guinness World Records. Some people really do have numbers on their side!

Cat controversy: The Bully Cat, a controversial new feline breed with extreme physical traits, is causing a stir among animal rights groups and pet lovers alike. Known for its very short legs, excessive skin folds, and complete lack of fur, this breed has quickly gained popularity. However, these unique traits come at a high cost, leading to severe health issues such as joint pain, frequent skin infections, and a heightened risk of sunburn. Despite warnings from veterinarians and welfare organisations, the demand for these cats continues to grow, driven by their unusual and striking appearance. Critics argue that breeding such animals is unethical, as it prioritises aesthetic appeal over the well-being of the cats.

Banana bliss: Pizza takes an unexpected twist in Sweden with the Tropicana, a creation that pairs bananas with curry, pineapple, and smoked ham. This unusual combination has become a beloved staple in Sweden, where the love for bananas is no secret. The origin of this unique dish remains unclear, but it's earned a reputation as the most Swedish pizza. While some find the mix of sweet and savoury flavours irresistible, others are baffled by the addition of bananas. Despite the controversy, the Tropicana has become a favourite, with some pizzerias even adding peanuts for extra flair. Love it or hate it, this banana-topped creation shows that in Sweden, pizza knows no bounds.

Quotable Quotes

A good friend is my nearest relation. ~ Thomas Fuller

At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end. ~ Christine Mason Miller


1. A seam, aquifer, or trickle is a rock layer that contains water?

2. What year was the first Star Wars movie released?

3. What is the longest river in Ireland?

4. The Norse god Ullr is associated with this winter sport.

5. The fins below a fish are called dorsal finsT/F?

Your Weekly Horoscope

ariesAries (March 21 - April 19)
If you experience conflict with others midweek, look deeper to identify the cause. Could making an emotional connection with those involved be helpful in resolving it? Lucky numbers: 5, 7, 9, 11, 16, 27.
libraLibra (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
At midweek your emotions may be heightened. If this triggers a conflict with others, initiate an honest but calm conver­sation about your needs. Look for a compromise. Lucky numbers: 8, 14, 27, 30, 31, 34.
taurusTaurus (April 20- May 20)
This week may offer you a rare opportunity to initiate positive change in your life, without causing a great upheaval. Don't miss the chance and try to take advantage of it. Lucky numbers: 2, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24.
scorpioScorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21)
During the middle of the week, taking time for your own self-care could be helpful. Nurtur­ing yourself is necessary in order to be fully present so you are able to help others. Lucky numbers: 5, 6, 10, 31, 32, 33.
geminiGemini (May 21- June 21)
You may want to indulge yourself now. Try to take time to break free of routine responsibilities, but without overindulg­ing. Understand when it’s best to return to normality. Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 9, 12, 17, 36.
sagittariusSagittarius (Nov22-Dec21)
Sagittarius often focuses on setting lofty goals on a large scale. This week you may have an opportunity to adjust your view to focus on a smaller, more personal effort. Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 15, 22, 32, 40.
cancerCancer (June 22 - July 22)
You have passed the halfway point since your birthday. It's a good time to review your progress toward your goals. Pick which projects can you now bring to completion. Lucky numbers: 11, 13, 23, 26, 35, 39.
capricornCapricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
Are you running into a stalemate in achieving one of your objectives? It might help to take a step back and understand the needs of those putting obstacles in your path. Lucky numbers: 6, 9, 21, 30, 32, 39.
leoLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)
At week's end, your natur­al charm may be height­ened and others might be more willing to help you achieve your goals. Just be sure that the outcome is a win-win. Lucky numbers: 10, 13, 16, 20, 23, 31.
aquariusAquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
You may find that your thoughts and feelings are out of sync at midweek. Are you able to reconcile them? If not, take a deep breath and wait a few days to act. Lucky numbers: 4, 11, 19, 20, 23, 35.
virgoVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
The energy at the week's end can support your practical and detail-ori­ented nature. This may help you to push through on a project requiring partic­ularly precise work. Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 20.
piscesPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
Do you have a goal that is in alignment with your heart and values? Look for opportunities this week to talk to others, which could give it a boost toward manifestation. Lucky numbers: 3, 9, 12, 13, 21, 28.
Lucky numbers for the week: Lucky numbers this week: This week's odds favour Pisces winners with the luckiest number being 3.

Did you know

Peach cousins: Almond and peach trees may look different, but they're actually close relatives from the Prunus genus. Despite producing different crops of nuts and fruit, they share a similar genetic background and evolutionary history.

Diverse desert: The Sahara Desert is a diverse landscape that includes rocky plateaus, salt flats, and towering mountains alongside its iconic sand dunes. Over 20 lakes dot the desert, with Lake Chad being the only freshwater lake.

Heart hounds: Owning a dog may do more than lift your spirits. It also could improve your heart health. Studies suggest dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure and get more exercise, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Early riser: An early alarm clock was invented by the Greeks using water to trigger a whistle. However, it wasn't until 1787 that Levi Hutchins created a clock with an alarm, though it only rang at 4am and wasn't adjustable!

Floating giants: Despite their fluffy appearance, clouds are surprisingly heavy. A typical cumulus cloud can weigh over 450,000 kgs. Yet, they stay suspended overhead because their droplets are spread out across a vast space.

On the lighter side

Show me a guy who likes to buy old coins, and I'll show you a cash customer.

Chief: Are you still teaching at the Fire Academy? Teacher: No, after 40 years, I'm burned out.

What did the farmer say to the compost pile? Thank you very mulch.

A blizzard is a storm that winterupts traffic.

I met the love of my life in a betting shop What are the odds?


1. Aquifer 2. 1977 3. River Shannon 4. Skiing 5. False