
Vol. 287-4  February 24, 2025

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Everybody's Talking

Brewing sustainability: In Barcelona, Spain, a unique coffee shop is redefining design by using furniture made from recycled coffee grounds. Crafted with material that is a blend of biodegradable polylactic acid and coffee grounds, the shop transforms waste into stunning, practical pieces. Counters and lamps, inspired by the flowing essence of coffee, display rich textures and natural shades that bring warmth to the space. Using cutting-edge 3D printing, the design showcases a commitment to sustainability by turning discarded coffee into stylish, functional furniture. This innovative project sets a bold standard for how creativity and eco-consciousness can go hand in hand.

Desert design: Inspired by the intricate beauty of desert roses, which are natural crystal formations made from sand and gypsum, the National Museum of Qatar reimagines nature in architectural form. The building features hundreds of interlocking discs that mimic the layered, petal-like crystals of the rose. These discs, some over 80 metres wide, create a labyrinth of curved rooms, seamlessly blending with Qatar's desert landscape where sand meets sea. At its heart lies a historic palace, embraced by the modern design like a treasure in a crystalline bloom. This architectural work not only captures the striking appearance of the desert rose but also its essence.

Seed safeguard: Hidden within a frozen mountain in Norway's Svalbard archipelago, the Global Seed Vault protects the world's agricultural future. This remote facility, often called the doomsday vault, stores over one million seeds of food crops worldwide, safeguarding them against threats like climate change, natural disasters, and conflicts. The vault's subzero chambers ensure that seeds remain viable for generations, providing a backup for global seed banks. Located far from war and natural dangers, its design prioritises security and long-term preservation. The facility's strategic location and stable climate make it one of the safest storage sites on the planet.

Salt-powered solution: Harnessing the power of salt water, a Colombian innovation offers a game-changing light source for isolated areas without electricity. The WaterLight lantern transforms saline liquids into energy using ionization, ensuring reliable illumination in any weather. With just 500 millilitres of seawater, it provides continuous power while doubling as a phone charger. Its sleek, wooden cylindrical design allows easy refilling, making it both practical and eco-friendly for daily use. Originally designed for Colombia's Wayu community, this sustainable device showcases how creativity can address pressing energy challenges for those living off the grid.

Quotable Quotes

Because you're alive, everything is possible. ~ Thch Nhat Hanh

Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


1. In the Curious George children's books, what colour is George's friend's hat?

2. How many eyes does a bee have?

3. A bunch of bananas is called a _____.

4. In Roman numerals, what does X represent?

5. The citizens of Rio de Janeiro are called Porteos, Janieros, or Cariocas?

Your Weekly Horoscope

ariesAries (March 21 - April 19)
You may be tempted to act from an unconscious impulse at the end of the week. Sabotaging the situation could be easy. Try to take a deep breath before you decide. Lucky numbers: 5, 15, 21, 22, 26, 28.
libraLibra (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
At the end of the week, you may find yourself in a stalemate of whether to prioritise your needs or the needs of others. Might you be able to find a compromise position? Lucky numbers: 8, 11, 17, 18, 31, 33.
taurusTaurus (April 20- May 20)
A sudden or unexpect­ed opportunity may be presented to you at mid­week, perhaps emerging from an important con­versation. So actively listen for this information. Lucky numbers: 7, 8, 18, 27, 30, 37.
scorpioScorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21)
Your intuition may feel a bit overwhelmed at week's end. You might want to integrate these intuitive options into your plans, but wait a few days to act on them. Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 8, 13, 20, 38.
geminiGemini (May 21- June 21)
Last week's optimistic mindset may continue, bringing good opportu­nities. Be careful that your expanded enthusi­asm doesn't lead to an unnecessary conflict with others. Lucky numbers: 9, 11, 14, 22, 23, 27.
sagittariusSagittarius (Nov22-Dec21)
Since last summer, you may have been experienc­ing expansion, obstacles, or both in your life. This period may end in early June. What might you learn in the meantime? Lucky numbers: 11, 17, 24, 34, 35, 40.
cancerCancer (June 22 - July 22)
As the weekend approach­es, you might feel fully in the flow of the universe. Carefully consider how to use this energy wisely because as it may dissipate in a few days. Lucky numbers: 1, 10, 13, 15, 20, 31.
capricornCapricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
The energy at week's end may offer an opportunity to use a softer approach to achieve something positive for you and others. Try expanding out of your comfort zone. Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 8, 12, 24, 31.
leoLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)
If you are running into an obstacle to something you want, resist the urge to charge through it. Consider how to change the situation to help others as well as yourself. Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 16, 18, 23, 26.
aquariusAquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Are you feeling over­whelmed because you have taken on an endeav­our that is too big to com­plete on your own? If so, acknowledge reality and look for a few allies to help. Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 14, 32, 35, 38.
virgoVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Virgos often prioritise hard information over intu­ition. This week, revers­ing that equation may serve you better. Break­ing out of your comfort zone can expand your tool set. Lucky numbers: 1, 7, 15, 17, 27, 29.
piscesPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
If you focus on listening to your intuition this week, you may receive important information about what direction to head in. Then set a new intention now to achieve it. Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 16, 17, 25, 27.
Lucky numbers for the week: Lucky numbers this week: This week's odds favour Gemini winners with the luckiest number being 9.

Did you know

Mirror mastery: Leonardo da Vinci's ambidexterity allowed him to write with both hands at the same time. One hand wrote text in reverse while the other penned it normally, demonstrating his extraordinary coordination and unique skills.

Slow no-go: In California USA, driving too slowly can get you ticketed. Under state law, vehicles moving below the normal flow of traffic must stay in the right lane and avoid blocking traffic unless it's for safety or legal reasons.

Muppet mystery: Before becoming Cookie Monster, this beloved blue character was simply a snack-stealing Muppet who appeared in commercials. His love for cookies earned him the perfect name by the time he made it to Sesame Street.

Sky spotters: The USA Coast Guard once used trained pigeons to find people lost at sea. These feathered recruits excelled at spotting debris, often outperforming humans on their passes over search zones.

Brain power: Your brain hums with energy, constantly firing off messages like a high-speed network. Together, its neurons produce enough electricity to power a small lightbulb, keeping your thoughts and actions brilliantly illuminated.

On the lighter side

Where did King Tut go to ease his back pain? To the Cairo-practor.

You couldn't get me on the moon if it was the last place on earth.

My teacher reminds me of history. She's always repeating herself.

Joe: Why did you put your watch in the bank? Moe: I'm trying to save time.

Studies show that cows produce more milk when farmers talk to them It's a case of in one ear and out the udder!


1. Yellow 2. Five 3. Hand or stalk 4. 10 5. Cariocas