Palmerston North

Vol. 287-3  February 17, 2025

Ph Chris 022 078 0890

Everybody's Talking

Big boy: Romeo, a six-year-old Holstein steer, was declared the world's tallest by Guinness World Records. The beast is 1.93m tall, and lives at Welcome Home Animal Sanctuary in Creswell, Oregon USA. The previous record holder, a Massachusetts steer named Tommy, was 1.85m tall. Romeo consumes 45kg of hay each day, and enjoys apples and bananas as treats. A woman had rescued 10-day-old Romeo at a dairy farm and brought him to the sanctuary, where operators say the steer is a symbol of resilience and a reminder that acts of kindness can change the world.

Thirsty spirit: In the remote Ladakh region of India, a shrine along the Gata Loops has become an unusual landmark, covered in plastic water bottles left by travellers. The bottles are offerings to the Ghost of the Gata Loops, the spirit of a man who died there after being stranded without water during a snowstorm. Adventurers passing through the treacherous route leave bottles to appease the spirit, hoping to avoid bad luck. The shrine's origins trace back to the death of a trucker's assistant, whose ghost is said to appear, begging for water. The legend gained attention after a video explaining the shrine went viral, sparking a debate about the environmental impact of the plastic bottles littering the area.

Waterway bridge: Drivers in the picturesque Shiziguan scenic area of China's Hubei Province can experience the thrill of crossing the Qingjiang River on a 400-metre floating bridge. Supported by polyethylene floats, this impressive bridge sways gently beneath the vehicles, allowing for a smooth drive while surrounded by stunning nature views. The bridge's innovative engineering uses technology to ensure safety and stability for both vehicles and pedestrians. Visitors come from far and wide, eager to see this marvel up close and take in the views while driving on water. Just remember, enjoying the scenery is great, but eyes on the road unless you fancy an unexpected dip!

Print connection: Blending digital convenience with the charm of print, a company called Famileo helps bridge generational gaps by transforming shared online messages and photos into monthly printed newspapers. These personalised gazettes, delivered to older relatives, provide a meaningful way to keep families connected, especially for those without internet access. Younger family members upload updates through the app, and elderly recipients enjoy the tactile joy of reading them in print. Famileo not only fosters a sense of belonging for older adults but also helps combat loneliness. Designed for collaboration, the idea lets families worldwide contribute, ensuring everyone remains part of the story, no matter the distance.

Quotable Quotes

You can't be a resource for others unless you nourish yourself. ~ Alexandra Stoddard

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~ Wayne Dyer


1. In what country are the Olmec Colossal Heads found?

2. Is the Hugo Award given for science fiction, poetry, or painting?

3. What is the most expensive spice in the world?

4. This is the most common type of organ transplant.

5. A day on Mars, Venus, or Earth is 24 hours, 37 minutes, 22 seconds?

Your Weekly Horoscope

ariesAries (March 21 - April 19)
You may find it difficult to communicate what you feel right now to those you love. Consider how to adjust your approach to more effec­tively say what you mean. Lucky numbers: 6, 15, 19, 26, 30, 34.
libraLibra (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
Have you hit a stalemate about something in your primary relationship? This may last for a few weeks, so be conscious of the dynamic. Can you work to mitigate it? Lucky numbers: 7, 10, 17, 21, 26, 28.
taurusTaurus (April 20- May 20)
Early this week, your head may be telling you one thing and your heart another. Consider listening to your intu­ition, which can be very challenging for Taurus-born. Lucky numbers: 4, 11, 13, 14, 19, 36.
scorpioScorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21)
You may find yourself swimming in the waters of your uncon­scious. This may be a good time to retreat to a quiet space and process any emotions that may surface. Lucky numbers: 5, 10, 18, 29, 31, 38.
geminiGemini (May 21- June 21)
You may feel very opti­mistic about how your life is going now. But if you feel overwhelmed by the number of options, focus on the ones that serve the highest purpose. Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8, 10, 16, 37.
sagittariusSagittarius (Nov22-Dec21)
Your natural enthusi­asm may be enhanced at week's end. In deciding on next steps, consider how this optimism could help fulfill a higher pur­pose for yourself and others. Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 7, 8, 16, 25.
cancerCancer (June 22 - July 22)
For the next few weeks, you may be especially empathetic in talking with others. Is there an issue where leaning into this dynamic could help resolve the situation. Lucky numbers: 13, 18, 22, 26, 28, 30.
capricornCapricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
You may feel strongly at the end of the week about what needs to be done. You may very well be right, but it is also important to consider the views of others who are affected. Lucky numbers: 2, 16, 22, 29, 31, 40.
leoLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)
You may find yourself in a tug of war between your needs and those of others. How might you make an adjustment in your view that could achieve a win-win for all? Lucky numbers: 8, 17, 26, 32, 37, 39.
aquariusAquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Aquarians are sensitive to the challenges of Pluto for the next 18 years. Look for an opportunity this week that could put you in alignment with its highest manifestation. Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 10, 28, 29, 39.
virgoVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
You are halfway through the solar year that began at your birthday. Did you set new goals? How are they progressing? Might you need to make changes to the plan? Lucky numbers: 2, 9, 13, 29, 36, 37.
piscesPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
Your birthday month can be a good time to set goals for the next year. What resources do you need to accomplish them, and what obstacles might you encounter along the way? Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 11, 12, 21, 25.
Lucky numbers for the week: Lucky numbers this week: This week's odds favour Sagittarius winners with the luckiest number being 7.

Did you know

Blink count: The average person blinks about 15 times a minute, adding up to roughly 21,600 blinks every day. These tiny, automatic movements clean, moisten, and rest your eyes while giving quick refreshes to your mind.

Moon mystery: Mercury and Venus stand out as the only planets in our solar system without moons. Mercury is closest to the Sun's powerful gravity that would prevent moons from forming or orbiting. Why Venus lacks a moon is not known.

Code pioneer: Ada Lovelace is celebrated as the first computer programmer. In 1843, she wrote a program for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine and speculated that it could even process music, inspiring modern computing concepts.

Saber sound: The famous hum of a Star Wars lightsaber comes from blending the motor hum of an old film projector with the buzz from a TV set. For the swoosh, the film's sound team simply waved a mic in front of a speaker playing these sounds.

Sweet gesture: In South Korea, Valentine's Day traditions include women presenting men with gifts of chocolate. It's a charming twist from other countries. Shops overflow with treats, making chocolate the perfect way to share a little romance.

On the lighter side

How many skunks does it take to stink up a neighbourhood? Just a phew.

When chicken broth was first canned, it was souper!

Playing hooky is like a credit card. Fun now, pay later.

Teacher: See, you can have fun doing addition problems. Student: Yes, sum fun.

For sale. Limited edition bottle of Tippex. It's a correctors item!


1. Mexico 2. Science fiction 3. Saffron 4. Kidney 5. Mars